Tight, knotted muscles can be the source of pain and mobility issues. When a knot in a muscle occurs and refuses to release, this is referred to as a trigger point. These muscle knots can be caused by direct tension, stress on a muscle or a side effect of another condition, like fibromyalgia. Trigger points cause localized and referred pain, impacting well-being and mobility. Hanowell Spine Clinic in Covington, GA, offers trigger point injections that can relax knotted muscles for relief.
Trigger points are a source of acute and chronic pain. This condition can impact the myofascial tissue and nerves, creating a tender, sore area that is inflamed. The tightness and inflammation can impact the nerves in the area. Trigger points can occur in the shoulders, neck, back, arms or legs, often limiting mobility and causing radiating pain. When located in the neck or shoulder, trigger points can result in tension headaches, jaw pain or arm pain. In the back, the knotted muscles can cause sciatica symptoms, with pain and weakness in the lower back, hips and legs. Trigger point injections offer an effective treatment for releasing these tightened muscles for relief.
Relief for Myofascial Pain
Myofascial pain involves inflammation and tightness in the muscles and connective tissue. Trigger points can cause myofascial pain that may impact your mobility and quality of life. Trigger point injections target these muscle knots, delivering a local anesthetic and an anti-inflammatory steroid to the area. The local anesthetic offers quick pain relief, and the steroid works to reduce inflammation over the following days. The trigger point can then relax, reducing localized and referred pain.
If you suffer from tension headaches, crippling muscle pain or fibromyalgia pain, trigger point injections could offer pain relief. Contact us at Hanowell Spine Clinic in Covington, GA, to schedule a consultation with one of our physicians to explore treatment options for acute and chronic pain relief, including trigger point injections.