Back pain from overexertion is common. Lifting heavy weight, twisting the back or repetitive use can cause a back sprain or strain. Most people have experienced a sore back from overexertion, but when the symptoms continue for more than a few days, it may be a strain or sprain. If you experience a back injury, come see us at Hanowell Spine Clinic in Covington, GA. We offer back sprain and strain treatment to give you relief.
What is a Back Sprain?
Any joint in the body can be sprained, including the joints in the spine. A back or neck sprain involves injuries to the ligaments in the spine. Ligaments connect the facet joints to the vertebrae, securing the joints in place. When you bend or twist too far, the ligaments can be damaged, causing a back sprain. This could result in inflammation and pain from torn or stretched ligaments.
What is a Back Strain?
The back is covered in muscles and tendons that support the spine and upper body. Muscles move the body and tendons and also connect muscles to bone. When you lift a heavy item using your back muscles or move in an unexpected jerking motion, you can injure the muscles or tendons. This is called a back strain, which can result in muscle spasms, trigger point pain and stiffness in the back.
Treatments for Back Injuries
Minor back sprains and strains treatment can include rest and over-the-counter pain medications to reduce inflammation. Most minor back strains and sprains will improve after a few days of rest. For more severe sprains and strains of back muscles, tendons or ligaments, symptoms can persist. To relieve pain, treatments can include steroid injections to reduce inflammation or physical therapy to strengthen damaged muscles.
If you have suffered a severe back sprain or strain, come see us at Hanowell Spine Clinic in Covington, GA. We offer treatment options to reduce ongoing pain for back injuries.