Diseases like arthritis, osteoporosis and degenerative disc disease can all impact the spine. One of the most common degenerative and aging conditions in the spine is spondylosis. This condition affects almost everyone in their senior years causing neck and back pain, but not everyone has severe symptoms. Cervical spondylosis impacts the cervical spine, or neck. At Hanowell Spine Clinic, we help our patients with cervical spondylosis get the treatments they need to minimize pain and protect the health of their spine.
Cervical spondylosis impacts the spinal discs in the neck. With age, the spinal discs lose moisture, becoming brittle and shrinking in size. As this occurs, the soft cushions between the vertebrae flatten, creating less space between them. The cervical discs may bulge or leak as their brittle exteriors deteriorate. To combat friction, the body may stimulate bone growth in the area, causing growths on the vertebrae. Bone spurs combined with narrowed space and flattened or damaged discs can all put stress and pressure on the surrounding nerves.
Symptoms Relief for Cervical Spine Deterioration
Most people in their fifties and beyond will have some level of cervical spondylosis. It is estimated that 85% of people over 60 years of age have cervical spondylosis. The aging process will impact the spinal discs and result in harder, smaller discs between the vertebrae. Not everyone experiences pain or other symptoms, as it depends on if the condition presses on nerves in the area. When symptoms do occur, they are commonly felt in the neck, shoulders, arms and hands. Headaches or pain in the shoulders can occur, as well as tingling or weakness in the arms and hands.
There is not a cure for cervical spondylosis, but treatments can be performed at Hanowell Spine Clinic to manage the symptoms. Injection therapy can help reduce inflammation and pressure on the nerves. If there are herniated discs or bone spurs putting pressure on nerves, endoscopic surgery may be recommended to repair discs or remove bone.
Contact Hanowell Spine Clinic today to schedule a consultation. Our team will create a treatment plan based on the patient’s symptoms and physical changes in the cervical spine for relief.