Each vertebra in the spine is under pressure from the body and is cushioned by the spinal discs on either side to help absorb this pressure. As you get older, bones can lose density and become weaker, especially if you have osteoporosis. Compression fractures of the spine can occur at any age, but they are more common as you get older and the vertebrae are weaker. Hanowell Spine Clinic in Covington, GA, offers compression fracture treatment options for those who experience a spinal compression fracture to reduce symptoms and protect the stability of the spine.
The most common cause of spinal compression fractures is related to aging and bone density loss. The bone in the vertebrae becomes weaker and more susceptible to damage. Compression fractures from aging-related issues are almost always in the thoracic or lumbar spine. Most commonly, the front side of the vertebra fractures and compacts, changing the shape from a rectangle to a triangle or wedge. Compression fractures may also be caused by trauma or injury, and auto accidents can have a severe impact on the spine and cause a compression fracture.
Symptoms of Spinal Fractures
Not all compression fractures need treatment if the spine is stable and the patient is not experiencing negative symptoms. However, spinal compression fractures can put pressure on the nerve roots, causing pain or weakness in the back and legs. In severe compression fractures, the spine may become unstable or impact the spinal cord. The spine can curve, restricting organs and impacting mobility. The patient may develop a hump and lose height if left untreated.
Spinal compression fracture treatment depends on the type of fracture and how it is impacting the patient. Pain relief can be obtained with injection therapy, or repairing the vertebrae may be recommended. Contact our practice to schedule an appointment. Our team at Hanowell Spine Clinic can determine the best compression fracture treatment plan based on the individual to help reduce pain and dysfunction while improving overall health and wellness.