Nerves that impact the lower back, buttocks, legs and feet all exit the spinal column in the lumbar region. When one of these nerves is put under pressure, it causes lumbar radiculopathy, or a pinched nerve. This creates localized lower back pain or sciatica symptoms impacting the buttocks, legs and feet. At Hanowell Spine Clinic, our spinal specialists can diagnose the causes of lumbar pinched nerves and perform lumbar radiculopathy treatment at our clinic in Covington, GA.
Lumbar radiculopathy treatment is different for every patient. It is important to understand what is causing the nerve root compression to create the right treatment plan. Lumbar pinched nerve treatment can include different types of spinal injections to offer relief. Facet joint injections, epidural injections, nerve blocks and other options may be used. For chronic nerve pain, spinal cord stimulation or a dorsal column stimulator could be recommended. Physiotherapy and other conservative lumbar radiculopathy treatments may also be used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan. In severe cases, surgical treatment is usually required.
Causes of Lumbar Pinched Nerves
Lumbar spondylosis or osteoarthritis can contribute to pinched nerves in the lower back. Spondylosis includes deterioration of spinal discs, facet joints and vertebral compression fractures that cause inflammation or pressure on nerves exiting the spinal column. Muscle spasms can also impact the sciatic and other nerves in the lower back. Symptoms include pain in the lumbar region, buttocks, legs and feet. If the sciatic nerve is affected, burning, tingling, numbness and weakness may be experienced in the hips, legs and feet.
If you have symptoms of a lumbar pinched nerve, come see us at Hanowell Spine Clinic in Covington, GA. Our spinal experts can perform diagnostic testing to determine if you need lumbar radiculopathy (pinched nerve) treatment. Contact our clinic to schedule an appointment. We accept many forms of insurance, including Medicare plans.