Pain in the midsection of the body can be caused by many possible medical conditions, often involving the musculoskeletal system. Not all abdominal or pelvic pain conditions involve internal organs. This painful condition can stem from the thoracic or lumbar spine, nerves or muscles in the back or pelvic region. At Hanowell Spine Clinic, we offer abdominal and pelvic pain treatment and diagnosis at our main clinic in Covington, GA.
The first step in treating abdominal or pelvic pain conditions is finding the source of pain. Some midsection pain can be referred pain, resulting from nerve or muscle issues in a different area on the body. It is critical to determine the source of pain to find the right treatment option. Nerve or trigger point pain may respond well to injection therapy, mitigating referred pain. If the pain is caused by a localized condition, our medical team can determine the best treatment to offer relief.
Types of Abdominal and Pelvic Area Conditions
There are many health issues that impact organs in the abdomen and pelvic area that can cause pain. However, musculoskeletal injuries or conditions can also cause pain in the abdomen and pelvis. Some types of abdominal and pelvic pain conditions we diagnose and treat at Hanowell Spine Clinic include:
- SI joint pain
- Sacrum injuries
- Sacral insufficiency fractures
- Sympathetic nerve pain
- Spinal nerve impingement
- Trigger point and myofascial pain syndrome
- Post-surgical pain
The lower spine and pelvis are a source for many painful conditions that are often misdiagnosed. If you have been suffering from midsection discomfort and want answers, come see us at Hanowell Spine Clinic. We offer abdominal and pelvic pain treatment at our clinic in Covington, GA. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our pelvic pain specialists.