Chronic pain in the lower back, hips or legs can be difficult to control or alleviate. Not all pain can be mitigated through surgery or treatment. Another treatment option is neuromodulation, or interrupting the pain signals to the brain. There are many different neuromodulation methods, but one of the most direct and effective is spinal stimulation, or the use of a dorsal column stimulator (DCS). At Hanowell Spine Clinic in Covington, GA, we offer spinal cord stimulation, or SCS, as one of our treatment modalities for chronic pain.
How Does a Dorsal Column Stimulator Work?
Pain signals are sent through the peripheral nervous system to the spinal cord and brain. If the source of pain cannot be effectively treated, another option is interrupting the pain signals before they reach the brain. Spinal cord stimulation with a dorsal column stimulator involves directly releasing electrical signals to interrupt pain signals. The device is implanted in the spinal epidural space to offer direct delivery of electrical signals to the nerves sending the targeted pain signals. The DCS is controlled through a remote by the patient, increasing electrical stimulus as needed to block pain signals.
To determine if spinal cord stimulation is a viable option, a trial with a temporary device is completed. The device with probes to the spinal cord is attached outside the body to establish if the patient has effective pain relief from the device. If successful, the patient may be qualified for implantation of a dorsal column stimulator that can offer controllable, long-term pain relief. The procedure is reversible, as the DCS can be removed if it no longer offers relief for the patient.
Spinal cord stimulation is one of the many options we offer at Hanowell Spine Clinic to give patients with chronic pain relief. If you suffer from sciatica, CRPS, failed back surgery syndrome or other lower body chronic pain, SCS may be an option for pain management. Contact us at Hanowell Spine Clinic in Covington, GA, to schedule a consultation to discuss dorsal column stimulator implantation or other chronic pain treatment.