Deterioration of the bone and tissues in the spine occur with age. Spinal discs harden and shrink, and facet joints succumb to wear and tear or osteoarthritis. Vertebrae can be prone to compression fractures. All these issues are linked to aging of the spine, also referred to as spondylosis. The lumbar region of the spine tends to be under the most stress and can be the most vulnerable to degenerative issues, or lumbar spondylosis. At Hanowell Spine Clinic, we offer effective lumbar spondylosis treatment that can help minimize pain and improve mobility.
Lumbar spondylosis is a combination of diseases and conditions that are associated with aging. Almost everyone above the age of forty has some evidence of age-related deterioration in the spine, but not everyone has symptoms. It is normal for spinal discs to lose moisture and become more brittle and flattened, and this can leave less cushion between the vertebrae in the lower back. Spinal compression fractures are the most common in the lumbar spine. Some people will experience localized pain in the lower back or nerve root pain that radiates to the buttocks and legs. While aging issues cannot be “cured,” symptoms can be managed with lumbar spondylosis treatment.
Reducing Lower Back Pain
If you are diagnosed with lumbar spondylosis and are experiencing lower back pain, there are treatment options. Each person experiences lumbar spondylosis differently and will need a personalized treatment plan to address their unique issues. For some, injection therapy to relieve inflammation may be appropriate. For others, vertebroplasty or PRP injections could be recommended. There are a wide variety of lumbar spondylosis treatments offered at Hanowell Spine Clinic to minimize lower back pain and other symptoms, improving mobility and quality of life for our patients.
If you have lower back pain or sciatica symptoms in your 40s or beyond, it is possible it is related to lumbar spondylosis. Contact Hanowell Spine Clinic in Covington, GA, to schedule an exam for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.