The sacroiliac joint, or SI joint, connects the spine to the pelvis. When degenerative disease or injury causes dysfunction in one or both SI joints, it can cause chronic pain in the lower back, hips, groin and lower extremities. SI joint problems can be treated with conservative methods, including SI joint injections and other therapies. When these conservative treatments are not effective, sacroiliac joint fusion is a minimally-invasive surgery that can be effective for relieving SI joint pain. Hanowell Spine Clinic in Covington, GA, offers sacroiliac joint fusion for our patients with chronic SI joint problems.
Symptoms of SI Joint Dysfunction
The SI joints help cushion and stabilize the weight of the upper body on the pelvis. The joints are low-motion, but they are prone to degenerative disease and injury that can cause inflammation and pain. Women are more susceptible to SI joint conditions due to stress caused by pregnancy. Symptoms include:
- Lower back, hip and groin pain on one or both sides
- Sciatica symptoms
- Lower spine instability, causing pain, stiffness and mobility issues
- Increased pain when climbing stairs or an incline
When SI joint symptoms exist, diagnostic and non-invasive treatments like SI joint injections can be used. This can offer temporary relief and pinpoint the source of pain. For long-term relief, sacroiliac joint fusion may be considered.
SI Joint Fusion Surgery
The SI joints are low-motion joints. When SI joint dysfunction causes chronic pain, fusing the joint can offer long-term relief. This procedure is a minimally-invasive surgery that can be performed endoscopically through tiny incisions. Bone grafting is used to encourage bone growth over the joint, fusing the sacrum to the ilium, preventing movement that can cause pain.
If you have SI joint pain and conservative treatments are no longer offering relief, sacroiliac joint fusion may be an option to improve your quality of life and mobility. Contact us at Hanowell Spine Clinic to discuss SI joint treatment, including sacroiliac joint fusion.