An accident can result in a range of personal injuries that leave lasting effects. For many sufferers of these injuries, compensation will only cover the cost of treatment for a fixed period of time. In order to return to work, some victims of personal injury will require extensive treatment and rehabilitation.
Debilitating symptoms of a personal injury may occur immediately or develop slowly over time. Whatever the case, seeking rehabilitation as early as possible is recommended. Festering injuries that are left untreated can lead to degenerative conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. Give yourself the best chance of a complete recovery by contacting Hanowell Spine Clinic to discuss rehabilitation today.
Joint Injuries
A joint injury can impact movement, strength, stability and balance. If you have received treatment for a joint injury and are still experiencing limitations, pain or discomfort, our expert rehabilitation team can help. We create tailored rehabilitation plans based on the individual challenges that our patients face.
Muscles, Ligaments & Tendons
Supporting and mechanical tissues such as muscles, ligaments and tendons are commonly injured in accidents. Often slow to heal with lingering pain and discomfort, these injuries will most benefit from effective rehabilitation. Sports medicine and other therapies provide unique insight into treating soft tissue injuries at Hanowell Spine Clinic.
Nerve Damage & Compression
Nerve damage can occur anywhere in the body as the result of an accident or subsequent surgeries. The role of rehabilitation will depend on the nature, severity and location of your injury and affected nerves. Hanowell Spine Clinic is fully equipped to help patients achieve relief from compressed or damaged nerves in Covington, GA.
Reach out to the Hanowell Spine Clinic team if you need rehabilitation services to deal with the aftermath of a serious accident. We look forward to helping you fight your way back to a place of better health and well-being.
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4142 Mill St. NE
Covington, GA 30014
Phone: (770) 787- 3550
FAX: (770) 787- 2304
Email: info@hanowellspineclinic.com
Mon-Fri: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM