Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most common upper body workplace injuries, often occurring after years of repetitive motions with the hand and wrist. When the median nerve is compressed where it passes through the wrist, it can cause pain, weakness and numbness in the hand, wrist and arm. Carpal tunnel syndrome can be a frustrating condition and surgery is one of the treatment options. However, surgery is not always necessary for all patients with this condition.
Understanding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
The carpal tunnel is a space in the carpal bones in the wrist where the median nerve, blood vessels and tendons pass through the wrist to the hand and fingers. The median nerve runs from the cervical spine (neck) down through the shoulder, elbow and wrist to provide sensation to the thumb, pointer, middle and part of the ring fingers. It also provides muscle movement for the muscle at the base of the thumb.
Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when repetitive movement and force are put on the wrist. This is common in the workplace – manufacturing, mechanics, typing/computer work and many other positions that require bending of the wrist or gripping can irritate the tendons in the carpal tunnel, resulting in inflammation and pressure on the median nerve. Symptoms include numbness or tingling in the thumb and affected fingers. Pain and weakness when gripping is common, becoming worse over time.
Non-Invasive Treatment for Carpal Tunnel
Surgery is not always necessary for carpal tunnel syndrome. There are non-invasive, conservative treatments that can be effective in managing numbness, pain and weakness in the hand and wrist. Physical therapy, steroid injections, wrist braces and other treatments can be explored to reduce inflammation and pressure on the median nerve.
At Hanowell Spine Clinic, we offer non-surgical carpal tunnel syndrome treatment at our medical center in Covington, GA. We accept worker’s compensation injury claims and assist our patients in recovering from their workplace injuries. To schedule an exam and consultation for carpal tunnel syndrome, call (770) 787-3550 to book your appointment.
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4142 Mill St. NE
Covington, GA 30014
Phone: (770) 787- 3550
FAX: (770) 787- 2304
Email: info@hanowellspineclinic.com
Mon-Fri: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM