Chronic back pain can be debilitating. Enjoying simple daily tasks can feel impossible. Trigger point injections can safely and effectively help you feel better without the risks involved with surgery. These treatments can be used for a variety of conditions where chronic pain is a symptom and can be used along with other pain relief methods. Here are three ways trigger point injections can help you relieve chronic back pain.
Reduce Muscle Spasms
Involuntary spasms can lead to tightened muscles that become inflamed and radiate pain throughout your back. Trigger point injections relax the muscles to help stop spasms and boost blood circulation. You can notice significant results within a couple days of treatment. Depending on your symptoms, you may need multiple injections over time to achieve lasting relief.
Better Muscle Function
When you have chronic back pain, it can limit the range of motion and muscle function throughout the rest of your body. Any movement or touch you make with tightened muscles can increase your pain levels. By relaxing tight muscles, you can experience a better range of motion in your arms and legs to take pressure and strain off your back.
Minimal Side Effects
Some chronic pain relief options can cause side effects that worsen your symptoms. Prescription pain medications can cause long-term health conditions and addiction if taken over long periods of time. Your body can also develop resistance to the medication, making it ineffective in relieving your pain.
The risks for side effects with trigger point injections is minimal. You may experience slight soreness or numbness at the injection site. Before treatment, a local anesthetic will be applied at the target site to help reduce any discomfort. If you experience persistent symptoms like fainting, nerve damage or muscle weakness, contact your specialist right away.
Achieve Lasting Chronic Back Pain Relief with Trigger Point Injections
If you suffer from chronic back pain and other treatments are ineffective, trigger point injections can be an effective treatment method for long-term relief. Hanowell Spine Clinic specializes in a comprehensive range of treatment options for acute and chronic pain. Call to request a consultation to relieve your pain symptoms today.
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4142 Mill St. NE
Covington, GA 30014
Phone: (770) 787- 3550
FAX: (770) 787- 2304
Email: info@hanowellspineclinic.com
Mon-Fri: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM