Sometimes the cause of a work related injury is obvious. You may pull a muscle when lifting a heavy object, or suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome due to repetitive typing. However, there are occasions when symptoms develop for no apparent reason. In either case, Hanowell Spine Clinic can provide diagnosis and effective relief.
The joints, back and neck are commonly injured in certain workplaces. You may also suffer from nerve issues resulting from the activities you perform each day. Most of these injuries should be covered by workers’ compensation. You should seek treatment when symptoms persist to avoid exacerbating the injury.
Accident or Activity Related Injuries
An accident at work may result in injuries. It is also possible to suffer injuries due to repetitive activities. Chronic back pain can occur in both instances. However, conditions such as carpal tunnel and nerve pain are usually the result of the latter category.
You may suffer from joint injuries due to strenuous work such as lifting heavy objects. If the injury didn’t result from an accident, repetition is the likely cause. The team at Hanowell Spine Clinic can identify any work-related activities that may have contributed to your symptoms. We provide treatment that is effective and designed to help you get back to work, injury free.
Work-Related Injury Treatment
The treatment plan you receive will depend on the nature and cause of your injury. We offer a range of solutions including trigger point injections for tight muscles, lumbar sympathetic blocks to relieve nerve pain and tunnel injections for CTS treatment.
Your Hanowell Spine Clinic physician will tailor treatment to address your specific needs. We take your work and lifestyle into account when recommending procedures. Our hard-working patients in Covington, Georgia, deserve effective and affordable relief.
Work Injury Consultation
Seek a consultation with a specialist near you for work injury pain relief. Hanowell Spine Clinic offers a range of treatments that can ease your symptoms and improve mobility. Call our offices today to learn more about our approach to better health. We promote safety and well-being in the workplace.
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4142 Mill St. NE
Covington, GA 30014
Phone: (770) 787- 3550
FAX: (770) 787- 2304
Mon-Fri: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM